In March 1958 at the age of 16 months, I had ilealconduit surgery. This surgery was revised in 2010 at UAB Hospital. Unfortunately this procedure herniated within 6 months. The hernia was repaired in 2011 and again in 2013. The 2013 repair was led by a UAB plastic surgeon that specialized in difficult hernia repair. I had three surgical procedures by three “A Team” surgeons and each failed to produce positive, long-term results. I was told to “go home and learn to live with it”.
Out of necessity, I designed a device that wrapped around the faceplate of the ostomy appliance to provide even pressure to ensure a better fit. This device allowed me to go from 4 to 6 hours between leaks to a full 24 hours, some days.
In early 2021, I contacted Dr. Mac Cottingham at Cullman Regional Hospital.
Dr. Cottingham felt he could improve my situation for a better fitting appliance and repair the parastomal hernia.
On April 23rd, 2021, Dr. Cottingham along with Urology surgeon Dr. Eric Wallin performed a 9 ½ hour surgical revision of the stoma, abdominal wall and repaired the parastomal hernia.
I am very happy with the results. I now have a small round non-herniated stoma that is about the size of a quarter. I have a better range of motion and flexibility. I no longer need to consult my stoma for permission to do all the things I need to do and enjoy doing. I now wear an appliance a full week without a leak. There have been no leaks since the surgery. This gives me peace of mind in social gatherings and confidence when interacting with family and friends. Dr. Cottingham had prayer with my wife and myself prior to surgery, so of course the outcome was Divine.
I now feel better than I have felt in over 20 years.
This format only allows a 5 star rating, or I would be giving it many more.